Mardin Yuanico Lliqui

Birthday: March 9, 2000
Birthplace: Cushillo Cocha, Peru
Current Location: Iquitos, Peru
Date of Baptism: August 30, 2015
Desired Career: Psychology and Music

I am Mardin. My father was a youth pastor in my hometown. My mother supported my father unconditionally. My mother could sing beautifully.

My mother died in 2005 when I was five years old. For this reason, my dad turned away from the Lord. It was such a hard experience. After she died, my father started working with coca leaves and became a drug dealer. When he came home, he cried a lot. He was afraid of the work he was doing. It was a very risky job; he even risked losing our lives. I left home and became a street boy. I began to try alcohol with my friends. I had no control of anything in my life including myself. I entered a home for abandoned boys.

I had a very unpleasant childhood. I did not understand why my mother died and why my dad turned to drugs. The days were dark, and my heart was filled with pain and anguish. Many years passed and I could not overcome my mother’s death. I tried for a long time to understand that awful event, and I never could. I had to seek God to find joy in my heart. Now I can understand that in Christ I am secure, and He has control of our lives. Now I can see that maybe my mother was taken away for a purpose. Maybe she was taken away so that I could exalt God’s name.

In spite of everything, I will go on to accomplish my goals. I will be a psychologist and a great singer.  I will never stop worshipping my savior. I thank God that my dad is no longer involved in the work he was before as a drug dealer. I am happy to be in the home for college-aged boys in Iquitos. I am growing in God’s grace and with His help, I can achieve my goals.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the vulnerable testimony in this sponsorship packet is shared with the full permission of Mardin, who wrote it himself.The sharing of testimonies was optional. Consequences of sharing such personal information with the public via multiple outlets were explained at length beforehand. Even so, he willingly and proudly chose to share his story of hardship, suffering, and hope to impact others and bring glory to God. Kings and Queens International is reminded of Luke 8:39, “‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” We are proud of Mardin for his boldness in Christ.