Juan Manuel
Arellano Pipa

Birthday: March 18, 2001
Birthplace: Iquitos, Peru 
Desired Career: Industrial Administration

Personal Testimony:

Hi, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Juan Manuel. 

I had the opportunity to enter Kings and Queens International’s Casa de Reyes program, and I am very grateful for that. I am the third of three siblings.

My parents separated when I was in my mother's womb. My mother sold eggs in the market, and she supported us with that. I went hungry many times, so I decided to work to help my mother. My father left us helpless. I tried to look for him many times but to no avail.

When I was 15 years old, I entered a home for abandoned boys thanks to an educator, but my stay was for a short time. My father received a notice of demand for food for me from the Peruvian government. He decided to withdraw me from the home and take me to live with him. Living with my father was never good. I have always been ignored by him and his current wife. Therefore, my mother took me to Lima to work and to finish my schooling. She managed to get us a job together that we really liked. We worked making gold and silver jewelry, but we could not continue due to the coronavirus health crisis that took place around the world.

I returned to Iquitos because my father promised to support me to enter the police academy, but he broke his promise. I knew about Kings and Queens and asked them if I could join their home, Casa de Reyes, so that I could continue my education. They said yes! My goal is to study industrial administration. I am very excited to achieve this great dream. I am very happy to belong to the Casa de Reyes program where they welcomed me with great affection. I feel calm and happy being in the House of Kings. Thank you! God bless you!

Disclaimer: Shared with the full permission of Juan Manuel, who wrote it himself.