Jarry Gamaliel Paima Maricahua


Birthday: November 16, 2001
Birthplace: Requena, Peru
Current Location: Iquitos, Peru
Date of Baptism: August 10, 2017
Desired Career: Systems Engineering

I am Jarry. I arrived at a home for abandoned boys at the age of nine with two of my brothers after the separation of my parents. After they separated, my whole family dispersed. My older brother, my baby brother, and I came to this home for abandoned boys, but the baby was sent somewhere else.  Our sisters went to another home. Now my sisters live with my mother. My baby brother returned to the same home for abandoned boys in 2015 at age seven. My older brother and I now live in the home for abandoned boys in Iquitos. We get to see our younger brother sometimes. My brothers and I are thankful we still live in these shelters and not with our parents.

It was difficult for me when they brought me to the shelter. I did not know who to love, my mom or my dad. I was very afraid that my dad could get to where we were and take us with him. The people in my new home started talking about someone called "Jesus." At first I showed no interest in Him. It was difficult to understand what they were telling me at that time, because my heart was hurt by all of the painful things that had happened in my family. I cried a lot every night. I missed my other siblings and my parents. After five months, I heard the word of God, and it changed my life. Christ took my heart captive. I began to forgive my parents. Now I thank God for the circumstances I went through, because they are the reason I know Jesus Christ.

When I moved into the shelter for older boys in Iquitos, I was baptised. I began to attend church. It was something new and beautiful for me. Now I am a member of Divine Grace Evangelical Christian Church. My heart's desire is to be a great servant of God and a successful man. I would like to be a systems engineer and help my family and this shelter. I know I cannot get away from my Savior; He is always with me. I know that with Him everything is possible. Thank you, God, for this ministry. It has helped me, and I know it will help me to achieve my goals. Blessings and thanks for everything.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the vulnerable testimony in this sponsorship packet is shared with the full permission of Jarry, who wrote it himself.The sharing of testimonies was optional. Consequences of sharing such personal information with the public via multiple outlets were explained at length beforehand. Even so, Alejandro willingly and proudly chose to share his story of hardship, suffering, and hope to impact others and bring glory to God. Kings and Queens International is reminded of Luke 8:39, “‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” We are proud of Alejandro for his boldness in Christ.