German Ahuite


Birthday: October 8, 2000
Birthplace: Iquitos, Peru
Current Location: Iquitos, Peru
Date of Baptism: December 8, 2016
Desired Career: Machinery

Hello, my name is German. I want to tell you my story. My parents abandoned me from the moment I was born. Because of this, I was raised by many people and lived in many houses. I mostly lived with my grandparents. One of my stepbrothers also lived in my grandparent’s house. We were very poor, and my grandparents couldn’t put us through school.

Because I didn’t study, I lived in the streets. I would work in the streets and in the homes of my neighbors. I was always looking for something to eat. Many times I would go to auto shops and sweep and clean. Sometimes I would stay and sleep in the mechanic’s shop. These are the places where I learned to rob and steal, but I had to do these things to survive. They would kick me out of the auto shops many times for stealing money. I would also use the money I stole to buy alcohol. I would go hang out with many bad friends, and we would drink and smoke.

One time the police caught me for stealing money. Because I was a minor, they brought me to an orphanage.  I wasn’t used to being in a Christian orphanage. After a while, I was able to learn how important God is in my life. From then on, God gave me a new perspective. I began to live a life like never before.  I was baptized in the year of 2016. I also began to study and receive an education.

Now the orphanage I have lived in is no longer able to give me an education due to financial issues. However, God has given me a new opportunity- one like never before. I have the chance to move into the care of Kings and Queens International and finish my education.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the vulnerable testimony in this sponsorship packet is shared with the full permission of German, who wrote it himself.The sharing of testimonies was optional. Consequences of sharing such personal information with the public via multiple outlets were explained at length beforehand. Even so, he willingly and proudly chose to share his story of hardship, suffering, and hope to impact others and bring glory to God. Kings and Queens International is reminded of Luke 8:39, “‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” We are proud of Alejandro for his boldness in Christ.