Erick Manuel Diaz
Birthday: June 14, 2002
Desired Career:
Personal Testimony:
First, I want to thank God for all that he gives me.
My name is Erick Manuel Díaz Sandoval. I'm seventeen years old. I'm thankful to Kings and Queens for giving me a new opportunity to fulfill my purposes. I’m going to tell you my story.
When I was 14 years old, I left my orphanage where all of my companions lived. I thought that I was going to do well. I thought that I was going to have everything; but in the end, I realized that it was not like that. When I was at home, it made me want to go back to the orphanage again. However, I couldn't; it was too late to figure things out.
Finally, I told myself that I have to follow my path and always be ahead, yet I could not fulfill my purpose and my goals. I entered into a time of vanity. Bad friends came. I succumbed to the vice of alcohol, and I left my studies to pursue that lifestyle. Then I got a job that was not so good. For me it is so difficult to say what I was involved in, and I cry when I say this: I was working delivering drugs. For me, this was risking my life, all my youth. I realized one day that I was doing things wrong, and I realized what life is like without studying. At that moment, I just opened my eyes to the world of what life is like: it’s hard and difficult and you have to take risks out of necessity. I needed a change. I left my village and came to Casa de Reyes to ask for help in changing my life.
Now I am with another purpose and with a new mentality to overcome everything I have been through. I know what life is like without studying. It was a life not worth anything; I could not be useful.
I plan to be someone in life. I am very grateful to the people who believe in me and also to God. My life now can be different and will touch the hearts of many people that I will value a lot; I do not plan to waste this opportunity.
May God bless everyone and may they receive blessings. Thanks for reading my story.
Disclaimer: Shared with the full permission of Erik, who wrote it himself.