Elio Martin Java Vargas


Birthday: January 25, 2002
Birthplace: Caballococha, Peru
Current Location: Iquitos, Peru
Date of Baptism: February 12, 2018
Desired Career: Undecided

Hello, my name is Elio. In my hometown, I attended elementary school until second grade. I could not continue my education because of family problems. My father was an alcoholic. He mistreated my mother every day when he came home drunk. One day my mother could not bear it anymore. We left home with all of my brothers to get away from our father. We went to live in another place called San Pablo when I was nine years old. I began school again.

At the end of the year, a pastor came to my house and talked with my mother about a home for abandoned boys. He said we would have more opportunities there and could continue our studies. My mom decided to send one of my brothers and I there. I agreed to go. The first time I heard the word of God was in that home. I began to learn many good things. My brother and I spent three years in that home. Then we were transferred to an older boys home in Iquitos to continue our studies. I enjoyed playing soccer and also had the desire to serve Christ with all of my strength. I wanted to win souls for him.

One day they told us that the house was closing due to economic problems. They would transfer the youngest of the boys back to the home in the jungle. Kings and Queens International offered to take the oldest boys who otherwise would have had no place to go. My brother was considered an older boy; I was considered a younger boy. This meant they were going to separate my brother and I. It was very terrible for me. My school performance dropped. I lost the desire to seek God. I felt very bad. I had never been separated from my brother.

When I was sent back to that home, I could not be calm. I was very sad. I did not eat.  I could not sleep. It was as if I was going back to the past, like when I lived with my father. It was a life of sadness and loneliness. I decided to escape from Puerto Alegría. At dawn I left and walked down a long and very dangerous road. Thank God I arrived in Iquitos safe and sound. I am sure that God took care of me along the way. I did not know what to do. I thought about returning to the town where my father was, but thank God I did not make that decision.

I thought about everything. I reflected on what was best for my life. I would not allow my mistakes to ruin my future. Meanwhile the police, the home in the jungle, Kings and Queens International-- the employees, the boys, my brother-- had all been searching for me. Directors of Kings and Queens Peru found me that night. They brought me back to their home to be with my brother. They went to court for me; the judge approved me to live in their home.

I am grateful to God for everything, and I am willing to continue fighting to have a good future and to serve Jesus Christ. This is only part of my story, because I really had a lot of bad things happen in my life; thank God everything is made new. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the vulnerable testimony in this sponsorship packet is shared with the full permission of Enrique, who wrote it himself. The sharing of testimonies was optional. Consequences of sharing such personal information with the public via multiple outlets were explained at length beforehand. Even so, Enrique willingly and proudly chose to share his story of hardship, suffering, and hope to impact others and bring glory to God. Kings and Queens International is reminded of Luke 8:39, “‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” We are proud of Enrique for his boldness in Christ.