Marcos Vargas

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Age: 18
Birthday:  June 16, 2000
Birthplace: San Pablo, Peru
Current Location: Iquitos, Peru
Date of Baptism: August 10, 2015
Desired Career: Policeman

I have a great story to tell. God is using my life to bless other people who do not understand things. He uses the circumstances I have experienced to show His love.

I entered a home for abandoned boys at the age of twelve. Before entering, I lived with my grandparents along with my other brothers. My grandfather and brothers always argued in my presence. They had very disturbed discussions, and my grandparents would beat my brothers. I always tried to defend and take the beating in place of my brothers; nevertheless, the only things I received were many blows and kicks. Mainly the blows were in my stomach. I received many insults from my grandfather as well. 

When I was alone, I thought I was grown. I wanted to kill my grandfather for how bad he was. Little by little, this feeling of hatred grew more and more, and resentment boiled in my heart. I did not support the lifestyle I was forced to live, so I decided to flee from that place. My family went on an outing and I said to myself, “This is the day that I have to go from this place.”

 I started to run and run until I got to a soccer field. I sat and watched everything that was going on around me. It started to become dusk, and I did not have anyone in that place. I only had a bag in my hand where I had two pairs of clothes. I looked at the sky and cried out to God saying many things like, “The earth exists, the sky, and you too! Then why do you not exist in my life?” I cried until I fell asleep. 

A person came to my side, an ex-schoolmate. I told him I had nowhere to spend the night. He took me to his aunt’s house, and I stayed there for a week. I worked for his uncle, and then he took me back to my grandparent’s house and left me there. My grandparents told me two of my cousins were in a home for abandoned boys and they asked me if I wanted to go. I answered yes without thinking! I was very happy because there was an opportunity for me to escape my environment, get an education, and become a policeman! 

I arrived in Puerto Alegría at the age of 12 in March 2013. I was happy because I had a place to live, food, and a new family. However, I did miss my brothers just as the other kids missed their own families. I arrived with much pain and anguish from everything that had happened in my life due to the abuse I experienced from my grandparents and the abandonment I suffered from my parents.

    My first day at devotion I heard the story of Joseph and the evil he experienced from his brothers. In that message, I understood that I had to forgive my family for all the hurt they had caused me. I spent the days learning. I understood who God and who his son Jesus Christ were. I gave my heart to Him, and every day I learned many things that the Lord did for me. It was good for me to learn to forgive, because my grandfather passed away in 2016.

    This program was a great help for my life.  It was like a second opportunity for me. I am currently in a house in Iquitos for college-aged abandoned boys. This new college program will be a blessing to my life if God allows it. I hope to fulfill my goals.. I want to be a Police of Peru. I also want to serve the Lord, support people in need, announce the gospel of Christ, and testify to what God did for me. I know that God is real, sovereign, and merciful. For Him there is nothing that is impossible; in Him everything is possible. Thank you for everything. Blessings!

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the vulnerable testimony in this sponsorship packet is shared with the full permission of Marcos, who wrote it himself.The sharing of testimonies was optional. Consequences of sharing such personal information with the public via multiple outlets were explained at length beforehand. Even so, he willingly and proudly chose to share his story of hardship, suffering, and hope to impact others and bring glory to God. Kings and Queens International is reminded of Luke 8:39, “‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” We are proud of Alejandro for his boldness in Christ.